Sunday, October 12, 2008


A loyal reader, Linda from Rhode Island, asked me about the play. So, I've put the flyer visual in this post for all to see.
The play is actually a series of vignettes from such great playwrights as George Furth ( the drama that became the script for "Company" on Broadway ), a play written in the 1970s by Dudley Moore and other irreverent Brits that was a spoof of Shakespeare--and the precursor to Marty Python, and pieces of a Tarentino play. All of these scenes include the concept, STOP!
The vignettes go from the very funny, even slapstick, to lovely romantic scenes.

So there you have it! And thanks for the good wishes to "Break A Leg".


1 comment:

Linda said...

Sounds great, thanks for posting that.